The website www.pionmedia.com belongs to the company S.C. BIRONET S.R.L.
Right from its inception, the company has been permanently concerned with compliance with all regulations in force. And the Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data, known as the GDPR, is no exception.
Out of consideration for those who visit our website, who subscribe to the newsletter service or who use implemented forms to communicate something, we take care of the security of the personal data they provide us.
The company S.C. BIRONET S.R.L. , based in Str. Brazda lui Novac, no. 101, pp. 29IVB1, ground floor, apt. 2, registered at the Trade Register under no. J16 / 106/2009, fiscal code 25002295 we act as personal data operator in order to carry out the profile activity.
Thus, we specify that the personal data provided through this website are used to communicate more easily and to be able to carry out our specific activity: the sale-purchase process, participation in competitions, improving the activity (customer care), fulfilling legal obligations towards by certain institutions, sending offers and promotional materials.
In terms of marketing, we are committed to sending you information about our products and services only if we have obtained your consent to do so.
At the same time, we mention that the personal data you provide us can be communicated exclusively to the following recipients: you – as a person directly interested and concerned, company staff, central and local authorities – according to legal provisions, only when it is the case, to the persons empowered by the company (courier companies and hosting company).
Given the legislation that has entered into force, we would like to inform you that you have the following rights that you can exercise without restriction:
– Accessing the personal data we hold about you;
– Rectification of personal data you have provided us;
– Withdrawal of consent regarding the processing of personal data;
– Opposition regarding the provision of personal data;
– The possibility to address the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing or other competent courts, when you find this necessary.
In case of implementing the newsletter service that we provide, you must know that we offer you the possibility to unsubscribe whenever you want, through the “Unsubscribe” or “Unsubscribe” option.
If you believe that the information provided above is contrary to your preferences or principles, please do not use the website or provide personal data. But keep in mind that certain services, such as sales, are conditioned by taking over this data.
If you consider it necessary to obtain more details on how our company processes personal data, please send us a request to the e-mail address accounts@pionmedia.com, and we will answer you as soon as possible. possible time.